Monday, June 8, 2009

Fishing Days

Gavin is LOVING fishing. This spring Mike took him the the Mt. Hood pond a few times a week. This last week he graduated to sturgeon fishing (although he hasn't caught anything yet), and his first fishing trip out on a boat.

Gavin asked all last summer to go out on a boat. When the sun came out this past month he started begging again. He finally got a taker. His great-grandpa (Papa) took him and Mike out to Hagg Lake yesterday. It was a cloudy day, probably good for Gavin since the HOT sun really isn't his thing. They fished for about two hours. They got three in the boat with Gavin getting the biggest fish. He is already planning his next trip out!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Drum Concert

We had a fabulous evening reconnecting with some old friends tonight. We used to hang out pre-kids, just the dogs. This was the first time we had the kids together that are now almost five, almost three (two of them), and 8 months. It was great sitting around relaxed, watching the kids play. Katie BBQ'd hamburgers and we even ate in the rain. The even was summed up with a drum concert from the three oldest. What do you think . . . any potential??? :)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Miss Molly

A few current shots of our little princess. She is quite the poser right now!

The Dog

As some of you know, Mike jokes around about being done having a dog. Dakota has had a bunch of lumps and he likes to think they are cancer and going to due her in. A couple of weeks ago one of her lumps got huge and starting bugging her. I took her in as she had made the spot raw. The vet informed us that there was a major infection and the lumps "didn't seem benign". So she sent us on our way with some meds and said she would check back later and take a sample. Well the infection got worse. The good news is that time has done wonders. The infection is better, the wound is healing, the lumps are not cancer, and Mike is back to his old wishes :) Dakota does have another week or so of the lovely cone on her head. The kids have been great about giving her lots of extra love. Thanks for everyone that has asked about her. She'll still be here to great you next time you come visit :)

Catching up . . . again

Okay, so life has been a little busy. Sorry the blog has been a little neglected. I will attempt to do some catching up as the kids are cooperating nicely right now.

The last time the sun was out Heather and I (mom of Isabelle and Athena) decided to do a QUICK trip to the beach. We found bonus time at my parents timeshare in seaside, loaded up the kids and hit the road. Remind you it was 80+ degrees here. The forecast for the beach was sunny and 74 . . . perfect, right??? I forgot this was Oregon. We arrive to this

that is 51 and foggy for those that can't tell. And this is what the kids were dressed like

sundresses, shorts, and sandals. Fortunately we had a sweatshirt for everyone, but the was about the extent of it. Regardless, the kids had a FANTASTIC time and were really well behaved. We were able to spend time on the beach, time in the 98 degree pool, and our accommodations were of course great.

On the way home we watched the thermometer steadily rise and we were finally able to enjoy the sundresses and shorts when we arrived home.

Here are a couple more snapshots.

Friday, April 3, 2009

New Stage of Parenting

I have again entered a new stage of parenting. I am now a "Soccer Mom". So far I am okay with the title. We'll see what it develops into :)

Gavin has joined Eastside United Soccer League. He is on a 5&Under team. Gavin had his first practice last night. We were so proud of him. He love trying to make a goal and get the ball from the other kids. We are hoping the weather gets a little warmer soon. The kids were so cold out there last night. It was quite cute trying to get the little ones to understand about not touching the ball with their hands. His games will start in a few weeks so we have a little time to work on that.

Molly was wishing she was on the team, but did a good job of being a little cheerleader from the sidelines.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mommy's morning off

What does a mommy do when her husband has gone fishing and the kids are at the grandparents?

Go to the coffee shop and read of course. And maybe a little shopping.

Saturday morning I had the luxury of waking up on my own time. I headed to downtown Portland to check out the changed (and not for the better) Sip & Kranz. The coffee is still delicious, the decor and atmosphere is lacking. I ordered my favorite coconut soy latte and a scone, and read, and read, and read . . . for almost three hours. It was great. I got well into the book, which I had been meaning to pick up for at least three weeks. My book club gals will be happy I can participate in the discussion. After my reading time I hit a few stores that I prefer to visit without the kids. It was a great day.

Good thing because since then I have been dealing with vomit, diarrhea, coughing, fever, and headache, from three out of four family members . . . poor Mike.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Molly knows how to navigate the computer. I knew this to a certain extent. She has been watching home movies on the computer. I get them set up for her and she can push stop and play on them as she wishes. She plays on and all the time. Today she asked for help getting to her games. We have an account for the kids so they don't bother the desktop files and settings on the laptop. I told her it would be a minute until I was done folding laundry. I walked over to her. Don't worry. She had logged out of my account and logged into the kid account and started playing Roller Monkey (A Curious George game). Wow. 2 years 7 months. What is next? I'm not sure I want to know!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Listening in

I am working on processing pictures at the computer. Molly is napping. Gavin is having some imaginative play time. He has a two dolls and his beloved puppy. Puppy runs away.
Doll A to Doll B: My puppy ran away. I am sooooooo sad.
Doll B to A: I'll help you find it.
Doll A to B: We can't find it anywhere
Doll B: Maybe you can buy a new one.
Doll A: Puppies are very expensive. I will have to save a lot of money.
Doll B: Maybe you can just put it on your birthday list.
Doll A: Then I have to wait a long, long time. We should look some more.
They find puppy.
Doll A: Oh puppy. I love you. Don't ever run away. I don't want to wait a long, long time for another puppy.

Guess he is learning about money, saving, and waiting. All good lessons for a four year old.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A couple stories

Gavin has started a basketball class. This is not a team, but just a class on some beginning skills. Both dates we have coincidentally had Isabelle and Athena with us. Today we were a little early (Crazy I know!). The "coach" gave Gavin a ball to shoot around. Isabelle was running around with him wanting to play too. He bravely went up to "coach" tugged on his shirt and asked if "my friend Izzy can have a ball too." I was so proud of him looking out for his "best friend". I have some news for Gavin about Izzy. I can't wait until Monday (a preschool day - hint, hint), to share the surprise with him!!!

Sorry it is a little dark.

Gavin and Molly have been showing some promising moments of playing together. Seems like I have been waiting FOREVER! Tuesday we were on a mission to find some special paint pens. After trekking all over our last stop was slightly successful. Gavin wanted to share his umbrella with his sister. The cutest was on the way in with his arm around her shoulder. This was on the way out. Still cute!

Friday, February 20, 2009


I know spring is on everyone's mind. However, for those cold, rainy days we might have left, or a thought to get you through next winter, bowling is great activity for the kiddos. Most bowling alleys have open bowl during the day. I would like to give a shout out to Mt. Hood Lanes here in Gresham. Super kid friendly. They have shoes down to size little six and ramps and bumpers that they will set up for you. They even accept competitors coupons. The other mom and I just borrowed shoes to help the kids because they do need monitoring.

So here are a few pictures from our bowling playdate.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

More Valentines

The kids painted canvas pictures for Mike for Valentine's Day. Here they are working on their masterpieces. Too bad I didn't take a picture of the final products ;)

And here are a couple of Gavin's party at school. He worked so hard on his Valentine's for his friends. He put stickers on each one, signed his name, and wrote the friend's name on the envelope.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

Usually the post is about the kids, but Mike and I had too good of a Valentine's Day not to speak about it.

The kid's attended Parent's Night Out at the preschool, conveniently planned for v-day. After a little research of what we could fit into our 4 hours of free time we headed for the revived area of Stark St. We headed to a great Mexican joint called Romo's. Got the last table in the place that wasn't reserved. Had a great meal. I highly recommend the Fajitas! Then were pleasantly surprised to see that they were offering complimentary desserts for the special occasion. After a nice quiet meal we walked across the street to the Academy theater to catch the perfectly-timed showing of Marley & Me. Mike graciously agreed to see the sappy movie :) The movie ended we headed to the car. As we got close Mike picked up the pace toward the passenger side door. This could only mean one thing . . . he was making me drive. I kicked into high gear and beat him to the door. Actually he just wanted to get the door for me :) Yikes.

Picked up the kids with 10 minutes to spare. They were well behaved and had a fabulous time! The night was great for ALL!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Gavin's First Fish

Sorry there are no pictures . . . but here is the story.

Gavin got a fishing pole last Easter. He LOVES to fish. Or at least cast the line. Mike usually ties a small stick on his line so he has something to toss that won't draw blood.

They tried to catch a fish a couple of time last year with no luck. Mike took him to the Sportsman show on Wednesday to try their luck in the kid's trout pond. Gavin was petrified! He wouldn't go near the pole if Mike's had wasn't on it. When the fish splashed him in the face that was the end of it!

He proudly bolted through the door that night to tell me about the two fish he caught. Every other sentence was something about being a little scared. He wanted to show me the fish . . . from the other side of the room.

Mike cleaned them and I cooked them up Thursday night for dinner. I put some pieces on his plate. When he asked what it was I told him it was the fish he caught with daddy he flew out of his seat so fast.

Once I calmed him down he did eat the fish. Not sure if he'll be asking to go fishing anytime soon?

Friday, January 30, 2009

The star game

If you have spent evenings with Mike and I you know we play a little game "The First Star". We have played it since we first starting dating (that would be 12 years ago). We have had an unexpected new winner in our house the past few weeks. That would be Molly, and occasionally Gavin. It seems without being introduced to the game, they have figured out the rules. Now it is time for mommy and daddy to get the title back!

Camera found

and just in time for Gavin's first school performance! We were so proud of him. He participated with a smile on his face and sang his little heart out . . . the best he could. Of course what performance wouldn't be complete without a little silliness from our boy.

Take a look at the link below. He'll be the one in red and about a half a line behind the rest of singers :)

The quality from uploading didn't turn out that great. Guess I'll have to keep the clips to under 100mb next time.

Gavin's Program

Friday, January 16, 2009

The camera is missing

I take our family snapshots with a point and shoot . . . which is missing :( I usually don't like to post without a picture . . . but it has been too long.

So . . .

Happy New Year.
The kids are back in lessons. Molly has completely taken off. She can push off the wall, unassisted and steamboat to daddy. She is so close to being able to float on her back and well this officially passes her brother in skill level. We have been to "slide" pool a few times this year. Both kids LOVE going down the water slide and floating down the lazy river.

Gavin had a skiing lesson with his cousin Max up at Timberline. I think he had a GREAT time, but didn't learn too much. I think we will give the lesson another go and bump him up a level for a challenge.

Hopefully the camera will turn up . . . TONIGHT. We have Gavin's belated Christmas program at school. How cute!