Friday, May 8, 2009

The Dog

As some of you know, Mike jokes around about being done having a dog. Dakota has had a bunch of lumps and he likes to think they are cancer and going to due her in. A couple of weeks ago one of her lumps got huge and starting bugging her. I took her in as she had made the spot raw. The vet informed us that there was a major infection and the lumps "didn't seem benign". So she sent us on our way with some meds and said she would check back later and take a sample. Well the infection got worse. The good news is that time has done wonders. The infection is better, the wound is healing, the lumps are not cancer, and Mike is back to his old wishes :) Dakota does have another week or so of the lovely cone on her head. The kids have been great about giving her lots of extra love. Thanks for everyone that has asked about her. She'll still be here to great you next time you come visit :)

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