Saturday, December 20, 2008

Poor Otto!

If you have been to our house you have met Gavin's fish Otto. Yesterday morning I noticed Otto was no longer swimming in the proper direction. A little sideways, around in circles, definitely not the alert Otto we are used to. I told Gavin that Otto was sick. He told me "Don't worry mommy, he will get better." The conversation continued with me telling Gavin actually Otto wasn't going to get better and that soon he was going to die and go live with God in heaven. Gavin wanted to make sure I knew that God lived way up in the clouds in outer space. He then said "Mommy, God has a big hand. He will come down and get Otto when it is time." Where he got that idea I'm not too sure, but I went with it. He told me when he gets old he will go live with God and Otto in heaven. The deep conversation ended with "Don't worry mommy. We can get a new fish!" Phew!

While the kids were watching a movie "God's hand" came down and got Otto. So for now our bowl is empty. Maybe Santa will bring a new fish.

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