Sorry there are no pictures . . . but here is the story.
Gavin got a fishing pole last Easter. He LOVES to fish. Or at least cast the line. Mike usually ties a small stick on his line so he has something to toss that won't draw blood.
They tried to catch a fish a couple of time last year with no luck. Mike took him to the Sportsman show on Wednesday to try their luck in the kid's trout pond. Gavin was petrified! He wouldn't go near the pole if Mike's had wasn't on it. When the fish splashed him in the face that was the end of it!
He proudly bolted through the door that night to tell me about the two fish he caught. Every other sentence was something about being a little scared. He wanted to show me the fish . . . from the other side of the room.
Mike cleaned them and I cooked them up Thursday night for dinner. I put some pieces on his plate. When he asked what it was I told him it was the fish he caught with daddy he flew out of his seat so fast.
Once I calmed him down he did eat the fish. Not sure if he'll be asking to go fishing anytime soon?