Monday, November 17, 2008

Taking notice

Gavin is really starting to take in his surroundings. Yesterday we hopped into the car just as the Beavers were finishing up their game. I eagerly tuned in and a few minutes later Gavin says "Mommy, they're talking about the Beavers. I think they are playing a football game." I didn't know he listened to talk radio.

Today driving the car he sees a guy standing on the street corner with a mowhawk. He says to me "Mommy, why does that guy have crazy hair." I replied that it was called a mohawk. He then wanted to know where the hair went. I told him the guy had shaved it off the sides. To this he replies "But mommy, doesn't he know he looks like a dinosaur?" I was laughing so hard I almost had to pull over. He was so serious though!

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