Okay, so life has been a little busy. Sorry the blog has been a little neglected. I will attempt to do some catching up as the kids are cooperating nicely right now.
The last time the sun was out Heather and I (mom of Isabelle and Athena) decided to do a QUICK trip to the beach. We found bonus time at my parents timeshare in seaside, loaded up the kids and hit the road. Remind you it was 80+ degrees here. The forecast for the beach was sunny and 74 . . . perfect, right??? I forgot this was Oregon. We arrive to this

that is 51 and foggy for those that can't tell. And this is what the kids were dressed like

sundresses, shorts, and sandals. Fortunately we had a sweatshirt for everyone, but the was about the extent of it. Regardless, the kids had a FANTASTIC time and were really well behaved. We were able to spend time on the beach, time in the 98 degree pool, and our accommodations were of course great.
On the way home we watched the thermometer steadily rise and we were finally able to enjoy the sundresses and shorts when we arrived home.
Here are a couple more snapshots.